JavaScript reprojection benchmark

100x100 grid points reproject to WGS84 for 4 times.
grid's projection is "+proj=lcc +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 +lat_2=25 +lon_0=-95 +a=6371200.0 +b=6371200.0".
Based on this test page.

Using emscripten compiled proj.4 c library and typed array buffer

0 out of 4
Average time in milliseconds:
Grid Point 0 Long: (expected: -133.459°)
Grid Point 0 Lat: (expected: 12.190°)
Using emscripten compiled proj.4 c library and "for" loop

0 out of 4
Average time in milliseconds:
Grid Point 0 Long: (expected: -133.459°)
Grid Point 0 Lat: (expected: 12.190°)
Using pure javascript proj4js library and "for" loop

0 out of 4
Average time in milliseconds:
Grid Point 0 Long: (expected: -133.459°)
Grid Point 0 Lat: (expected: 12.190°)